
On January 28th, 2021, Local 833 held the 1st ever in-plant/drive thru Brat Fry. We can't thank everyone that supported us enough. It was an amazing turn out.

Throughout the year, Local 833 active and retired members participate in the Local's raffles. Most the money raised, goes towards scholarships.

On March 2, 2019 we held our annual Casino Night. On May 18th we were very excited to give 8 local charities the profits of that night. Each charity listed received $1,500.

“UAW members worked hard in Georgia during the runoff election. Today’s election results in Georgia signal that obstructionism in Washington, D.C will end. These results also clearly signal that the American people expect Congress to work with President Elect Joe Biden on behalf of working families in this country regardless of ideology through the narrow majority in both chambers. It’s time to find common ground with the Biden Administration for the sake of UAW members at their worksites, on the factory floor, and in their communities.”

Detroit - “During the 2019 collective bargaining negotiations, members ratified a contract that contains a defined path to full-time status. This hard-fought UAW contract priority has resulted in over 400 UAW Ford members eligible to move to full-time status in January with more to come. For many UAW families this bargained pathway will be life-changing thanks to their solidarity at the bargaining table.”

Registration is now live for the 2021 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference! This year, the conference will be held Jan. 15–16 and will be free for all participants, but you must register to attend.

Detroit - “UAW members negotiated and ratified a path to seniority status in the 2019 National Negotiations and because of their contract, 650 members will gain seniority status and benefits this month. This life-changing event is a testament to our members' hard work as permanent temporary employees and the power of collective bargaining that created this defined path for them to seniority status.”

My Sisters and Brothers,

I know I have said this many times in the past 12 months, but I can’t think of anything that sums up more about what 2020 has shown us and it is this: I am so proud of each and every one of you and of this union for the strength, the courage, the sacrifice and the sheer will to stand together against the unimaginable hardships that 2020 threw at us all. As far as I’m concerned, it is SOLIDARITY at its finest. And it is the heart and soul of this union.

Ray Curry, Secretary-Treasurer, UAW What is the distance a good deed can travel? What does a warm bowl of soup mean? What does a warm bed mean? A new bike or a kind gesture from a stranger?
Whether you're just looking for the perfect stocking stuffer or want to fundraise for your local union this holiday season, the Union Sportmen Alliance's 2021 Calendar is a great choice:

Why not gift your loved one a cool new set of headphones? With the AT&T Signature Program, union members can get discounts on a wide range of eligible accessories – including headphones, smart devices, and more.

Learn more: