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Local 833 & the 13 Days of Christmas

Throughout the year, Local 833 active and retired members participate in the Local's raffles. Most the money raised, goes towards scholarships. Howeve...

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UAW John Deere Members Begin Face Shield Production

Yesterday, UAW Local 434 members at John Deere in Moline, Illinois began producing face shields for health care workers battling COVID-19 in their communities. The original run will produce 25,000 face shields with materials on order to produce another 200,000.

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COVID-19 Update 4/8/2020

My Brothers and Sisters, I’d like to talk a little today about the loss of my good friend and former UAW Secretary-Treasurer Ruben Burks. Ruben passed on Monday, another casualty in this terrible pandemic. He was truly a gentleman and a tireless fighter for working men and women, for our members and for what is right and just. He served this union tirelessly for decades, starting at the GM Fisher Body Plant 2 in Flint, Michigan. He quickly rose through the UAW ranks, serving as committee person, executive board member and director of Region 1C. I will be forever grateful for his leadership and his friendship. And in thinking about my dear union brother and his contributions, I take strength in the fact that Ruben was one of so many dedicated individuals who have served this union.

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COVID-19 Update 4/7/2020

My Sisters and Brothers, I’m pleased to bring you some more stories today of the good works of our UAW family during this terrible crisis. I’ve shared stories in the past weeks of our brave members on the front lines of this pandemic, but we have many members helping out in so many different ways across the nation. I’d like to share a different type of story today.

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Heroes on the Front Lines: Penni Cox

On March 13, Penni Cox was laid off from her job at the General Motors plant in Kokomo, Indiana. “Business wasn’t good, and the company was downsizing. We prayed for more work. We were willing to build anything. We just wanted to work,” says Cox. “And now, here we are building ventilators.” Cox, a mother and grandmother, is a third-generation autoworker and member of UAW Local 292, and is proud and excited to contribute to the COVID-19 fight.

Read More Heroes on the Front Lines: Penni Cox