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Local 833 & the 13 Days of Christmas

Throughout the year, Local 833 active and retired members participate in the Local's raffles. Most the money raised, goes towards scholarships. Howeve...

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Will the “new” NAFTA work for US?

The UAW has one goal: support the U.S. worker in all aspects of their professions. That includes involvement in U.S. trade policy decisions where our overarching focus is creating good paying U.S. jobs —  now and in the future.

Read More Will the “new” NAFTA work for US?

UAW members helping youth across the nation

International Youth Day was first coined by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999, and now the 12th day of August serves as an annual celebration of the role of young women and men as essential partners in change, and an opportunity to raise awareness of challenges and problems facing the w

Read More UAW members helping youth across the nation

How Union Women celebrate National Sisters Day

The first Sunday in August is National Sisters Day, and your opportunity to show your appreciation for that unique bond only sisters can understand. What better way to celebrate than joining with your fellow union sisters in the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW)?

Read More How Union Women celebrate National Sisters Day

Scholarship night

On May 18th, 2019, Local 833 was proud to present 41 high school or college students with a scholarship. A total of $21,350 was given out. All the money raised for the kids is from raffle sales.

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